I can’t quite believe it, but I’ve somehow managed to cycle 662 miles in the space of 6 days. I’ve never travelled so far by my own means before in such little time.
Indeed, a chap I’ve come across on my travels, Ben Rockett, came and spoke tonight about how to stay motivated when you’re hurting all over, yet still have another 350 odd miles to go. He encouraged us to find rock bottom and then go that little bit further as, in the words of Threshold Sports, More is in You.
I pretty much started the day in a portaloo, where I’d taken refuge during a heavy rain shower moments before we were due to leave. I’d only wanted a pee, but ended up spending almost 10 minutes in there’s waiting for it to stop raining. I figured I might as well send a few messages and read my emails.

Indeed, it was all rather futile, because no sooner than we set off, it’s started to again, and thus it continued for pretty much the entire day!
Our bikes are beginning to take a bit of a hammering, as the rain is stripping all the grease from the drive train as well as causing the breaks to get worn due to the grit on the rims. Luckily, as I’m working with Halfords I was able to get my bike prepped before I started.
What’s been quite difficult today has been that my ITB has bee getting a bit tight, causing me quite a bit of discomfort. I’ve just spent the last hour rolling on a foam roller and a golf ball. It’s a very painful experience.
Once again, I find myself writing this moments before I go to bed. I can hear at least 4 people snoring near me, which is why I’m grateful for the ear plugs. It’s a big day tomorrow – 120 miles and a shit load of climbing, so none of us are looking forward to it.
Except for me.
Now that I’ve got my knee sorted, I’m rather excited. I’ll be cycling through Chewton Mendip, which is where I was born and have only returned to once since I was 7! I hope we cycle part my old house!
Must got to sleep now. Annoyingly, there is no 3G so I’ll post this tomorrow evening at the end of Day 7.